Excellent Adventures: Vancouver with Devante

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m Devante, but you can call me Dev for short. I’m a content creator and film director (and an occasional bowler) based in Toronto!

Give us a bit of background about your trip. Where did you go and who did you go with?

Our wonderful friends over at Porter Airlines gave me the opportunity to visit Vancouver and make a fun social video! So I hit up my friend Brian (Toronto’s best documentarian) and we were on our way!

How was your experience?

I had the most fun! Vancouver is like a second home to me, there’s always something bringing me back there. My mom grew up in Van, I did a stint at UBC for summer school and my girlfriend currently lives there. So, I’m quite familiar with stuff going on.

What is one must-do activity you would recommend to those thinking of heading to Vancouver?

HMMM... I mean it’s definitely one of those cities with an abundance of nature. So you gotta hit all the hiking trails and get inspired by the scenery. On my visit, we made it to Lynn Canyon which was super cute. It was giving Jurassic Park as we walked through the trees and crossed over the suspension. The hike ends near this pool of (ICE COLD) water with people jumping off these tall ass rocks. Definitely a vibe.

How would you describe the atmosphere of the different locations you visited on your trip?

Being from Toronto, I’m so used to the high paced environment. Literally running around the city from event to event like a chicken with their head cut off LOL.Vancouver is MUCH more chill and relaxed. Whether it’s on a beach or a restaurant people just take their time and hang out.

If you had to choose, what was your trip's most memorable attraction/activity?

We did so much in that 72 hours but there was a cute moment that sticks out. We were at kits during Canada Day and it was SUPER packed. We found a spot right near the water and just played monopoly deal as we watched the sunset. The sky was so clear, it kinda felt like a movie. I can’t remember if it was me or Brian that won the series... but I’m pretty sure it was me!

Do you have any recommendations you want to share?

Van has a BUNCH of sick restaurants, so I’ll list a few:

  • Lunch Lady

  • Phnom Penh (WINGS GO CRAZY)

  • Ask for Luigi

  • Breka Bakery 

  • Fiorino

 Where next?

I’m not locked in to go anywhere as of yet. I’m thinking of hitting Montreal on the next long weekend for a few days and then MAYBE Tokyo in the fall.

Find Dev over on Instagram @blamedevante